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Officiel udtalelse om Den Hvenske Krønike / Official statement upon the Chronicle of Hven

Den sidste danske forsker, der har beskrevet eventyret, var Axel Olrik i Salmonsens Store Illustrerede Konservationsleksikon (1899):

"Hvenske Krønike, en Fremstilling af Nibelungernes Undergang efter stedfæstede Folkeoverleveringer paa Øen Hven i Øresund, nedskrevet paa Latin i 16. Aarh., formodentlig af Stedets Præst (Fader til Historikeren
Jon Venusin) Jakob Jonsen, kun bevaret i dansk Overs. fra 1603 (udg. af S. Grundtvig i »Danm. gl. Folkeviser«, I [1853], S..38, jfr III, S. 769, og af Jiriczek i Acta Germanica, III [1892]). Sagnet er en ejendommelig Form af
Nibelungesagnenes tyske Sagngruppe og er indvandret i Middelalderen."

The last Danish scholar who described the fairy-tale was Axel Olrik in the encyclopedia Salmonsens Store Illustrerede Konservationsleksikon (1899):

"The Chronicle of Hven, a presentation of the Fall of the Nibelungs on the island of Hven in the Sound, written in Latin in the 16th century, probably by the pastor of that place (father of the historian Jon Venusin) Jakob Jonsen, only preserved in a Danish translation from 1603 (edited by Svend Grundtvig in Danmarks Gamle Folkeviser, vol. 1 (1853), p. 38, cf. vol. 3, p. 769, and by Jiriczek in Acta Germanica III (1892). The legend is a strange form of the German group of the legends about the Nibelungs and has migrated in the Middle Ages".

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