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De to danske udsendinge ved det polske hof fra december 1600 til april 1601

Henrik Lykke (1555-1611): rigsråd forlenet med Vordingborg

Niels Krag (ca. 1550-1602): Anders Krags storebror, kongelig historiograf, rektor for Københavns Universitet indtil den 22. februar 1602, kortvarigt forstander for den kongelige skole i Sorø, død den 14. maj

The two Danish ambassadors at the Polish court from December 1600 to April 1601

Henrik Lykke (1555-1611): member of parliament (rigsråd) entrusted with Vordingborg (Zealand)

Niels Krag (c. 1550-1602): Anders Krag's big brother, royal historiograph, rector for the University of Copenhagen untill the 22th February 1602, briefly headmaster for the royal school in Sorø (Zealand), died on 14th May

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