Milan Kundera om Tycho Brahe / Milan Kundera about Tycho Brahe
Fra: Udødeligheden (1990)
"Tycho Brahe var en stor astronom, men i dag ved vi kun om ham, at han under en festmiddag ved det kejserlige hof i Prag generede sig for at gå afsides, så hans urinblære sprængtes og han trådte ind blandt de latterlige udødelige som en skamfuldhedens og urinens martyr."
From: Immortality (1990)
"Tycho Brahe was a great astronomer, but all we remember about him today is that in the course of a festive dinner at the emperor's court he was ashamed to go to the lavaroty, so his bladder burst and he departed among the ridiculous immortals as a martyre to shame and urine."
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